The problem of measuring group similarity of amino acid sequences is one of fundamental issues of modern bioinformatics. Existing algorithms for decision this problem (so called multiple alignment procedures) are not based on any formal problem definition and any model of evolution of proteins. In this paper we propose a new approach for measuring group similarity of proteins, which is founded on probabilistic evolutionary model of transformation of amino acid sequences.
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The method of the generalized interval estimations (GIE) developed by authors earlier is offered for using in scenario analysis of the theory of decision-making. GIE procedures to study problems with dependent parameters in the framework of the scenario approach are developed in addition to previous mathematical tools. An example of similar problems is the task of forecasting volumes of commercial developed reserves of ill-studied objects in dependence on prices for hydrocarbons.
A framework of building a decision support system intended for functioning in a decentralized environment and supporting decentralized decision making based on the state of the current situation has developed. For situation modelling context model is used. An approach to producing a context that makes knowledge and information relevant to the current situation sharable by the resources; supplies the system to information provided by these resources; and serves as a functional tool in guiding the system users has been proposed.
The task of interrelated features selection is considered. A lot of approaches assume that feature vector is unordered set of numerical coefficients. However in some tasks features are serial measurement along some axes, for example, counts of some kind of signal. The technique of feature selection using a priori information about one-dimensional order is suggested.
In article the opportunity of application of methods of recognition of images for the analysis of communications between objective and subjective parameters of quality of life influencing on a socio economic situation in region is proved. The received results can be used at construction of decisive rules in tasks acceptance of the decision at the forecast of birth rate and death rate of the population. As the tool of the decision of the put task use of a method of linear directions – agreeing functions is offered.
In article the intellectual system of recognition of prints of fingers is offered on the basis of the combined method. The hierarchical structure of the description of algorithm guarantees very high efficiency of the offered system.
The basic conditions and directions of creation of an information society in Ukraine – features of the Ukrainian society, IT-market as well as corresponding problems and strategies are considered.
In the paper the complex-organized data structural analysis methods and the results expert correction procedures in connection with of large-scale control systems efficiency problems are described. Algorithms of such structuring were developed on the base of range data analysis methods.
In this paper the decision support methods within the passenger transportation strategic control problems in a large region are described (by example of passenger motor transportation in the Moscow Region). These methods were created on the
base of collective multivariate expertise technique, as well as on the base of algorithms and procedures, realizing the technique.
Building integral (complex) indexes is considered as a problem of hierarchical ordinal classification of multiple criteria alternatives. Various ways for constructing integral (complex) indexes are compared. A new approach to ordinal classification of alternatives estimated upon many criteria with verbal scales, that uses an interactive procedure of attribute space dimension reduction, is suggested.
The paper describes the approach to the accuracy increasing of classification rules, obtained by genetic clustering algorithm. Proposed approach uses the theory of fuzzy sets, allowing to lower the uncertainly during classification process. The approach permits to take decisions, considering the whole set of rules, activated by the experimental observation.
The paper describes the embedded method of informative feature selection, based on two-stage training scheme of neural-fuzzy classifier. The method provides the possibility of separate feature set selection for every class of data, retaining the maximal classification accuracy, which is attained by applying modified technique of classifier parameter tuning.
Blockchain technology implemented using digital currencies such as bitcoin. Bitcoin is an online virtual cryptographic currency based on public key that is represented by communication protocol. Bitcoin was proposed in 2008 by an anonymous group of developers named as Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin became functional and widely using as a cryptocurrency allowing conversion with traditional currencies. Today bitcoin is used where needed "hot payment" scenarios (in the scale of minutes).
The approach to the decision of a task of automatic formation of conceptual structure of the thesaurus of the Subject Area on the base Natural Language's texts is represented. Authors consider (on a material of Russian) the method revealing of Semantic Classes of concepts on the basis of syntactic contexts of words designating them.
Partial boolean functions taking their values 0, 1 and -- with a probability equal to 1/3 are considered. The lower and upper bounds on the length of minimum DNF representation of such functions are obtained in the paper.
In the article the idea of applying system analyses and systems theory for organization systems informatization is proposed and analysed. This approach allows to improve the iterative process of organization systems informatization dramatically.
The paper considers analysis methods of texts in natural language. It proposes 1) the model cause-and-effect relation in Russian text; 2) application of derived relations as expert statements in the algorythm of extremal situations forecasting.
Application of automatic classification and expert-statistical processing techniques to the educational and specialists professional standards generating problem solution in discussed.
We know a lot of cases, when topological entropy of continious map determine by structure of periodic orbits. The classical result in this field is the Sharkovskiy ordering. Sharkovskiy $\left [ 6 \right ]$ enter mapping, that turn manifold of natural numbers in to ordered set as follows:
$$3 \prec 5 \prec 7 \prec 9 \prec 11 \cdots \prec 2 \cdot 3 \prec 2 \cdot 5 \prec \cdots \prec 2^{2} \cdot 3 \prec 2^{2}\cdot 5 \prec \cdots \prec 2^{3} \prec 2^{2} \prec 2 \prec 1$$
Application of automatic classification and expert-statistical processing techniques to the Moscow housing and communal services (HCS) effectiveness estimation and corresponding decision support system creation is discussed.
A three-stage scheme for synthesis of semimetric adjustment algorithms in data-mining problems is proposed. Within its framework algorithms designed to modify the distance between a single pair of objects at the given value are studied. These ajustment algorithms guarantee preservation of the simetric properties. The proposed adjustment procedures constructed within the three-stage scheme framework are completed within the first two stages, and in the specials case - within the first stage.
The method of automatic search and segmentation of thyroid gland arteries on threedimensional USI is offered. Decteion and segmentation of arteries are important initial stage of automatic ultrasonic images processing and organ segmentation. Vessels position on the USI can be used as a reference point for further USI processing and finding of organ areas. The feature of the offered algorithm is relative simplicity of its realization and high quality of results.
In work the spatial problem of a comuter tomography with use of tomograms which lay on system of mutually perpendicular planes with use blending approximations is solved. The offered method allows to smooth experimental data (tomograms) and has rather high accuracy. In article computing experiment for restoration of internal structure of a brain of the person with the help of operators blending approximations by Bernstein's polynoms is shown.
The materials represented in this article carry, mainly, surveying character. The aim of the paper is complete enough presentation of possibilities of mathematical apparatus of algorithmic complexity and probability for application in machine learning. Nevertheless, some new results are presented: theorems about exact compressors and decompressors, approach to determination of the moment of stopping of learning procedure on the basis of complexity analogue of the Bayes rule et al.
The mathematical model and decomposition technique for modes optimization of sequential-parallel execution of a system of operations of parts machining at the transfer machines with the mobile table subject to basic technological, structural and productivity constraints. The objective function is assumed to be the part production cost. The initial problem solving is reduced to solving the collection of easier subproblems with the use of geometric programming, dichotomy and "golden section" methods.
In this paper we propose a new approach to constructing the Delaunay Triangulationfor the case of multidimensional spaces $(d > 2)$. Analysing the modern state, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that the ideas for the existing effective algorithms developed for the case of $d ≤ 2$ are not simple to generalize on a multidimensional case, without the loss of efficiency. We offer for the solving this problem an effective algorithm that satisfies all the given requirements.
The problem of optimal control of processes described by a parabolic type equation with moving sources is investigated in the paper. A theorem on existence and uniqueness of the solution is solved for the optimal control problem. Sufficients conditions of Frechet differentiability of quality test and an expression for its gradient are obtained, necessary conditions of optimality in the form of point wise and integral maximum principles are established for an optimal control problem.
Canonical m-handle decomposition of three-dimensional handlebody was constructed for m-functions. It is obtained a criterion on homotopy equivalence of m-functions without internal critical points on handlebody in terms of the generators of the fundamental group of the surface.