A method of constructing a transport network using a satellite image and a set of paths as input data is considered. Software has been developed for building a transport network model based on the specified input data. Examples of the program's operation on various sections of transport networks are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of the developed method are described.
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This survey focuses on the following problem: it is necessary, observing the behaviour of the object, automatically figure out how to improve (optimize) the quality of his functioning and to identify constraints to the improvement of this quality. In other words, build the objective function (or set of objective functions in multiobjective case) and constraints - i.e. the mathematical model of optimization - by mean machine learning.
In this paper, some properties of basis invariants of the unitary group $W (J_3(4))$ of order 336 generated by reflections in 3-dimensional unitary space are studied. There is developed a new method of finding in explicit form the basic invariants of group $W(J_3(4))$. This method is based on the following property of group $W(J_3(4))$ – group $W(J_3(4))$ contains group $B_3$ of symmetries of the cube, and Pogorelov polynomials of the form $$
J_{m_i}(G) = \sum\limits_{\sigma \in G}(\overrightarrow{x}, \sigma\ \overrightarrow{s})^{m_i},
A general approach to transmission problems was considered in the author’s previous work ([14], [15]). It consists in the fact that the solution of an inhomogeneous problem is sought in the form of a sum of solutions of auxiliary homogeneous problems. In these auxiliary problems, the inhomogeneity is contained only in one place, that is, either in the equation or in the boundary condition. The solution of each of the auxiliary problems is found by means of the corresponding Green’s formulas ([10], [14]).
The present work is devoted to one of the tasks of modern scientific research related to the construction and verification of models that allow to organize and systematize a significant amount of information (Big Data) of real systems for making decisions on development and optimization.
In the paper, we consider the problem on small motions of three viscoelastic fluids in a stationary container. One of models of such fluids is Oldroid’s model. It is described, for example, in the [1]. It should be noted that the present paper based on the previous N. D. Kopachevsky and his co-authors works [2, 3, 4]. Namely, problem on small movements of two viscoelastic fluids has already investigated in [2].
Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $A: \mathscr{D}(A) \subset H \to H$ be a selfadjoint positive definite operator, $A^{-1} \in \mathscr{G}^q(H)\ (q>0),\ \beta_l \gt 0\ (l = \overline{0, m}), \ 0 = : b_0 \lt b_1 \lt \cdots \lt b_m$.